
To the Lohnerfälle


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  • Difficulty easy
  • Duration 2:50 h
  • Distance 8,6 km
  • 443 m
  • 446 m

The route leads through the footpath (Schulgässli) that joins the Hotel Adler down to the post bus stop Oey. You cross the Allenbach on the Schützenbrücke and immediately turn left to reach the mats of the Bunderlental on a good road (Bonderlenstrasse) (on the way, turn right to the International Girl Scouts Home and to Hohliebe). After a small ditch in the back part of the valley, the path divides. To the right we reach the Lohner waterfalls with pretty resting places and can reach the Bunderalp via the Holzberg. To the left, the path continues to Ahorni and Hirzbodenport or else up to Bunderalp.


Mit dem Auto via Frutigen nach Adelboden, Parkhaus Adelboden.

Public Transport


Kostenpflichtige Parkplätze stehen im Parkhaus Adelboden oder im Ahorni zur Verfügung.


Adelboden - Oey - Bunderlen - Holzberg - Lohner waterfalls - return