
Höhenweg Griesalp - Ramslauenen


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  • Difficulty easy
  • Duration 3:10 h
  • Distance 11,4 km
  • 434 m
  • 918 m

The Kiental is right there in front of us, and sometimes we catch a glimpse of the Niesen, Lake Thun and the Mittelland. A look back shows us the beauty of the Griesalp and the Blümlisalp range. After a short ascent along the Guggerweg, we can see the mountain house Ramslauenen from afar. From Ramslauenen hiking trail towards Kiental back into the valley.


From Reichenbach take the Kientalstrasse and Griessalpstrasse until you arrive at Griessalp. The road from Kiental is a bit narrow.

Public Transport

By train to Reichenbach train station and from there by post bus to Griesalp.

It is recommended to take the post bus so that you can enjoy the unspoilt landscape.

Post bus: Timetable


Griesalp car park CHF 5.- per day


Griesalp - Ramslauenen

Safety Instructions

Griesalp-Ramslauenen high trail Brüggerbärgli-Gure section open