
Bike route no.5 Sillerenbühl-Troneggrat

Mountain Biking

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  • Difficulty difficult
  • Duration 3:0 h
  • Distance 32,6 km
  • 1096 m
  • 1204 m

From the Schermtanne, a short walk with a short steep section up to the Aebi (the Aebi can also be used from Gilbach). Then demanding ascent via Hintersilleren to Sillerenbühl (1972 m above sea level). The route leads over Vorderilleren to Bergläger and then steeply over the Stierenberg to the Troneggrat, whereby the last part of the bike has to be pushed. The descent via Trunig and Boden to Adelboden is enjoyable.


There is a short stretch of about 5 minutes before Sillerenbühl and a stretch of about 15 minutes to the Trone ridge.


Motorway A6 Berne-Spiez, main road for Frutigen-Adelboden

At the roundabout at the entrance to Adelboden, take the third exit, follow the street for approx. 200 m, then leave the road and go straight ahead to the parking lot to the left in the direction of the Sillerenbühl valley station.

Public Transport

By train to Frutigen and from there by bus to the Adelboden, Mineralquelle stop.


Car park Fuhrenweidli (valley station Sillerenbahn), CHF 5.- per day


Adelboden - Stigelschwand - Understalde - Sillerenbühl - Bergläger - Troneggrat - Engstligenbach - Adelboden

Safety Instructions

There is a short carrying distance of about 5 minutes before Sillerenbühl and a carrying distance of about 15 minutes on the Troneggrat.