Spring forest bathing
18/05/2024, 03:00 pm
This event has already taken place.
David is a chef at the Kientalerhof, wild plant expert, forest and nature lover and forest bathing course instructor. He is certified by the Swiss Forest Bathing Institute. He offers a 2-hour forest bathing session with herb picking followed by dinner for 60 francs per person. Meeting point is at 3:00 pm at Camping Blüemlisalp. Bring with you: Weatherproof clothing and shoes suitable for the temperature, your drinking bottle and a seat mat.
Description of forest bathing:
Forest bathing is much more than just a walk through the forest. We immerse ourselves deeply in the atmosphere of the forest. Gradually, through exercises in silence, creatively and also humorously, all the senses are stimulated and we arrive at BEING. Our body cells remember and we are gradually reconnected. We automatically reduce anxiety and stress, our blood pressure drops, our immune system is strengthened and our sleep improves. These are just a few of the effects.
Contact for questions:
Phone: 0041 77 455 54 95 (also WhatsApp and Telegram)
Mail: david.baeumer@gmx.net