
Spiel dich durch Lenk - Ludotrail


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  • Difficulty easy
  • Duration 4:0 h
  • Distance 4,0 km
  • 48 m
  • 34 m

There are more than 20 game items to choose from in Spiel dich durch Lenk. The posts can be played in any order. The map in the game rules book shows all the locations of the stations. On the way to the individual stations, you can get to know Lenk better with the whole family. The game stations are always related to the store or its surroundings. The difficulty level of the games varies from game to game. We recommend the game dich durch Lenk from the age of 6.

For a group/family of 4 people, 1 game backpack is required. This is booked online and can then be used for a whole day. The game backpack contains the game material box and the game rules book. You can collect the rucksack from the Lenk tourist office during opening hours. On Sundays in the off-season when the tourist office is closed, the game backpacks are handed out at Café Kuhnen Lenk, Lischmattenstrasse 1.