Kandersteg railway station - Oeschinen gondola valley station
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Public Transport
Southof the Lötschberg, north of the Kander Valley. For this point between Brig (38 min.)and Bern (61 min.), an hourly train service is in operation but thanks to its station buffet,this is an ideal meeting point for many tours.
The destination has been decided, and so has the parking space - on this map, drivers can quickly and easily find the right parking facility in the Oberland municipality. Well then: engine off, hiking boots on!
We follow Bahnhofstrasse to the Reformed Church, turn left until we cross the Oeschibach and go right up Adolf Ogistrasse towards Blüemlisalp. As soon as we reach the edge of the Oeschi forest, we turn left and can already see the valley station of the cable car.