Adelboden – Schermtanne – TschentenAlp
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Cool forest air, aromatic Alpine herbs and sun-drenched lookout points make this walk above the village of Adelboden an experience for all the senses. In less than three hours, you reach the crest of the «Mountain of Views», which at 1950 m (6400 ft) above sealevel affords uninterrupted views across the valley end.
Public Transport
Hinreise: mit der Bahn nach Frutigen und von dort mit dem Bus bis zur Haltestelle Adelboden Post, 5 Minuten Fussweg zur Talstation Tschentenalp. Mit der Bergbahn Tschenten bis auf die Tschentenalp.
Adelboden - Fluhweide - Schermtanne - TschentenAlp
Safety Instructions
Even open hiking trails may still be partially covered in snow. Hiking is at your own risk: Tourismus Adelboden-Lenk-Kandersteg accepts no liability for the use of local routes.
Trekking boots recomended.